Pets and Selling Your Home

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We love our pets, and want them to feel welcome in our home. However, when you’re in the process of selling your home, there’s no denying that they can add stress and challenges. Many pet owners can have anxiety over how to handle their furry friends while trying to maintain a clean, presentable environment. We’ve compiled a few tips to help ease stress for both you and your pet during the selling process.

Keeping a clean house is important. Some home buyers may not have pets (just about 40% of American households do not have a pet), and some could even have animal allergies.

-Try to remove as many toys and food dishes as possible, and sweep floors to get rid of hair.
-Pet fur and dander can collect in vents and filter, so make sure you have a clean filter and consider getting your vents cleaned.
-Repair any damage that your pet has done. Check your baseboards, carpets, and floors, as these are common areas that show pet damage.
-If you pet is allowed to roam your backyard freely, you’ll want to make sure there are no walking hazards. Clean up after them every time they are out, and check for any holes that may have been dug.
-For cat owners, leaving a litter box out isn’t awful but make sure that it’s pristine before anyone views the home.
-You may also want to consider hiring a professional cleaning service that can give the home a deep clean to remove any smells and allergens, like pet dander. Our HUNT Homeowners Club offers a list of approved vendors that can assist you in cleaning your home.

Now that your home is clean and ready to be viewed by buyers, you’ll have to figure out what your plan is for your pets while buyers are viewing your home.

-Make sure you’re prepared to keep more energetic pets from running around the house and bumping into guests.
-A member of the family should be responsible for taking a dog out for a long walk, or you may want to find a local pet daycare center to make sure they are comfortable during the viewing.
-In a pinch, keeping your dog in a kennel crate can help, if that is comfortable for your pet.

Owning a pet won’t prevent you from selling your home, but it will add a few considerations when preparing your home from sale. If you need expert advice on how to get your home ready for any potential buyer, Gaetano will provide the tips and recommendations you need to present your home and close the sale. Contact us at 315-802-1404.